Monday, November 8, 2010


I was blessed with reasonably low-maintenance skin, but every time I move to a new climate (even just from Baltimore to Williamsburg!), my skin freaks out and stops responding to the products I'd been using. For a years I've sworn by La Roche-Posay products (I love them!), but since I've been in Virginia, my skin has been shiny and my pores feel clogged within an hour of washing. When I saw a magazine review of Seriously Shine Free by Formula 10.0.6, I tore it out and kept it in my wallet. The next time I was near an Ulta store, I picked up a bottle (about $7)--and am I ever glad I did! While it took a few days for my skin to adjust, this bamboo and aloe formula has done wonders for my skin. Whether I'm in the hospital all day or zipping around "the 'burg", my skin stays shine and breakout free.

What products do you swear by?

*I received no compensation for this review. C'mon, I'm not that cool of a blogger ;)

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